Frequently asked questions

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Frequently asked questions

My account


You can access your profile from your account.

Editing your profile
Edit your profile by adding a picture, your city, your date of birth or even an introduction of yourself, for example.

Deals are offered to you if you fill in some fields of your profile, i.e. picture (+10 deals), date of birth (+5 deals), city (+5 deals). These free deals are only valid once per device.

Editing your Funbridge account details
From this screen, you can also change your screen name (only once) as well as the email address and the password of your Funbridge account.

Consulting your profile
Once you add or edit your details, you can see how your profile will be displayed to other players visiting it by clicking on "View my profile".

Game history
The profile (be it yours or another player's profile) also gives access to the game history which shows:

  • The number of deals played since you became a Funbridge member
  • Current series, percentage and rank in series tournament
  • Challenge history: number of wins, draws and losses
  • The best result in series tournaments: the highest rank achieved in the highest series reached (Find out more in the section Tournaments > Series tournaments)

Profile of a player you are friends with
From the profile of a player you are friends with, you can:

  • Send him a message (chat)
  • Challenge him
  • See the number of challenges played against him sorted into wins, draws and losses
  • Practise with him (two player practice)

Profile of a player you are not friends with
From the profile of a player you are not friends with, you can:

  • Send him a message (chat)
  • Challenge him
  • Send him a friend request
  • Follow him (following a player allows you to see his results displayed in some rankings)
  • Block him (you will no longer receive any friend request, challenge request and message from this player)