What do you mean, I should have known?

One Sunday evening, it is Isabelle, my youngest student, who has a question. She is a little sassy but gifted and she loves bridge. She sends me a message to titillate me as usual.
She writes: “Even though I am getting used to beating you often when I have bridge challenges for you, I still need you a little bit.”
I answer: “Oh yes? I thought you already became too strong for that!”
“You know that you are my favorite coach!” she teases me.
“OK, come on, go ahead, I am all ears.”
She shows me both hands and her bidding sequence:

I tell her: “Well, obviously you don’t need me because the auction is very good as it went.”
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Alternatively, you could draw trumps, eliminate diamonds, take the ace of hearts and exit with your remaining heart – defenders have to give you a ruff and discard or lead a club to you. No need to guess (or calculate) the club distribution.