The 2NT opening and its continuations

Opening 2NT

Here, Alain Lévy takes stock of the system used by the best French players after a 2NT opening and suggests to us, as he often does, a few extra gadgets of his own. Exciting and useful.

I- Definition of the opening

This is a precise and effective opening which allows you to bid the best games without difficulty and easily position yourself on the rails during slam auctions. Its priority is to encompass balanced hands between 20-21 points (including length): so, 19-20 HCP with a nice five-card minor; 18-19 HCP with a six-card minor. It does not exclude a five-card major: rarely with 19 HCP and never with 21 HCP. 5-4-2-2 distribution is acceptable, as is a stiff honour in a minor, especially within the framework of a 4-4-4-1 three-suiter. Some examples that are advised to open 2NT:

♠ A Q 7
K 10 8
K 3
♣ A Q J 9 5

♠ A Q
K J 8 5
K 3
♣ A Q J 9 5

♠ Q 9 6
K Q 10 9 3
♣ A K 7

♠ A Q 9 6
K Q 8 3
♣ A K 10 6

♠ K 7
A J 8
K 6
♣ A Q J 9 8 4

II- Responses to the 2NT opening

  • 3♣ ➔ Stayman with 4+ HCP.
  • 3, 3, 3♠, 4♣ ➔ Transfers to Hearts, Spades, Clubs and Diamonds.
  • 3NT ➔ 4-11 HCP.
  • 4 ➔ major two-suiter for game or forcing to slam.
  • 4 ➔ minor two-suiter with five clubs and four diamonds, 9+ HCP.
  • 4♠ ➔ minor two-suiter with five diamonds and four clubs, 9+ HCP.
  • 4NT ➔ quantitative, 12 HCP.

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