Bridge and schools are coming to Strasbourg!

Championnat Jeunes Strasbourg

From the 3rd to the 17th June, the European Transnational Championships welcome competitors from all over the world. The European Bridge League (EBL) will be running most of the events, which will be open to all. However, some competitions will be organised by the French Bridge Federation (FFB). This great bridge festival start with the final of the French Championships (schoolchildren & minors) in which Funbridge is the partner!

The French Bridge Federation have been organising regional championships with schools for 30 years now to promote the game among the youngest. 450 young regional champions face each other in the Exhibition Centre away from the public view. Their first dive into the deep end!

Petit groupe et Roman

Accompanied by their parents or teachers, the young bridge players qualified for the much-awaited final throughout the year. It has also been a weekend of discoveries for them as they have been able to explore the Alsatian city which houses numerous treasures.


The event isn’t be the only reason for them to come to Strasbourg. To clear their heads, the young champions can participate in several fun activities like a digital urban rally which enable them to discover Gutenberg’s city through riddles.

A precocious player among the youth

At the age of 9, Sylvestre entered the “Cadet 3”* tournament, the most prestigious U18 competition. He arrived with his father earlier than scheduled to soak up the special atmosphere. The very young Sylvestre is one of the few participants who qualified through his club. Taught by his father, he has been playing bridge for less than a year, but he has already gained experience in tournaments and is now ranked as Series 3 in the French ranking system.

*Translator’s note: Minor 3.


A competitor at heart, Sylvestre keeps calm at the table even if he can’t help telling us, with a smile on his face, that his father is “quite good despite that he makes big mistakes sometimes”. Used to online bridge, the player from Fontainebleau spends a lot of time on Funbridge.


His partner, who travelled from La Rochelle by bus overnight, is 17. Both players had never met before and only had a few minutes before the tournament to agree on conventions. This event is a golden opportunity to play face-to-face bridge, meet other players and new people.

“It is the most exciting moment of the fortnight”

Said Frank Riehm, President of the French Bridge Federation, at the award ceremony. The opening weekend closed with the many young players applauding the winners of each competition. The yellow caps from the Comité du Lyonnais dominated the podiums. Children and teenagers then left the Exhibition Centre to make room for the upcoming events that will be open to all this time.

Frank Riehm

Photos of the winners

Scolaire 1 A
Mathieu Menguy and Michael Pitsaer
Scolaire 1 B
Armelle Rémy and Mathilde Rémy
Scolaire 2 A
Roman Carbonnier and Florian Orgaz
Scolaire 2 B
Esteban Lyoen and Lubin Crepin
Cadet Level 1
Gabrielle Praet and Laurine Ray
Cadet Level 2
William Tastevin and Paolo Tavares Moreira

A look back at the competition in pictures

Grand groupe

Did you know?

Funbridge and the French Bridge Federation are committed to making bridge accessible to the youngest throughout the year.

Many bridge competitions reserved for schoolchildren and minors are regularly organised on Funbridge.

The deals of these tournaments are adapted so that each category (schoolchidren 1, schoolchildren 2, minors 1 and minors 2) can play. Many prizes are up for grabs at the end of each competition. Not-to-be-missed events are awaiting our young players!

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Article translated into English by Funbridge

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  1. Polskie tłumaczenie porad dotyczących granych rozdań jest dla mnie kompletnie niezrozumiałe (chwilami wręcz śmieszne). Może trzeba zmienić translator?

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