Raises of one of a major openings after a take-out double

Bridge lesson

The principle of te five-card major system is to find a fit in a major as fast as possible. The current French systme offers a big diversity of fit showing answers, depending on responder’s strength and number of trumps.



The take-out Double is often the prelude of a competitive sequence, and your side is not necessarily the stronger one: the player who doubles has the equivalent strength of the opener and his high cards are well positioned behind him. Nothing suggests that the deal is yours. Because of this, the following actions are indispensable:

› Pre-empting with weak hands
› Giving precise information about your strength and number of trumps when your side is in o!ense.

This position has a lot in common with that of a player who wants to show support after an overcall.

Raises with weak hands

These are always natural bids; the level depends on your number of trumps. A raise at the two-level still obeys the usual definition: three trumps, rarely four, 6-10 points, distribution included.

From the three-level on, natural raises are pre-emptive. They promise four trumps at the three-level, most of the time five at the four-level and are made with, in principle, unbalanced hands with less than 6-7 HCP

♠ 10 9 5 3
♥ Q 9 6 2
♦ 6
♣ K 8 7 2

A near maximum for this type of raise…

♠ 7
♥ J 10 4 3
♦ 10 8 6 5 2
♣ J 6 5

… which could really be weaker!

Holding a singleton is obviously a good indication for a pre-empt, but there is no obligation for it. Thus, with:

♠ A 10 8 2
♥ 8 3
♦ J 10 9 3
♣ 9 4 2

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  1. Very good, I found the bidding was lesson was particularly instructive. On the practical exercise, hand 3 – Am I correct in thinking you need to retain the heart king as an entry to take the long clubs?

  2. These hands with bidding quiz and playing logic are really very helpful in getting a very good perspective on how to land a contract and to also execute it

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