Andreas Abragi | Team Funbridge

ID Card

Funbridge username: Abraaaaagi

Nickname: Most just say “Abragi”.

Nationality: Swedish

Style of play: Agressive

Date of birth: 6 May 2004

Playing record

Cup first

U21 World Champion 🥇

U26 Nordic Champion 🥇

U26 Swedish Champion 🥇

And many more honors to come…

Interview with Andreas Abragi


At what age did you start playing bridge?

I began playing with my parents and grandparents at home at a very young age, but I started playing more regularly and seriously around the age of 12.

What is your best bridge memory?

The youth community is amazing, so I have to say 2022 Salso Youth WC, but the Swedish festival is also a serious candidate!

What would you say to encourage someone to take up bridge?

One of the things I like the most about bridge is that there is no age limit. For example, how many teenagers share a strong interest with their moms? Bridge is something you can do forever, not like a physical sport where you are done by 35!

What do you do when you are not playing bridge?

I am still in high school, but when I am not studying or playing bridge, I like playing the piano, although I am anything but a superstar 😛


Why have you decided to joined the Funbridge team?

It will be really fun to play some of the biggest events with some of my favourite bridge friends!