You are praticaly fluent in bidding when it’s just you and your partner. But be careful, after pre-emptive action, there is a great deal of technical diversity in showing the different types of hands.
Twelve questions await you, divided into two levels of increasing difficulty. In the first six, the maximum number of points you can get is 4, for the second set of questions it is 6. You are sitting South for these exercises. Do your best and don’t get mixed up otherwise prepare for a discussion with your partner!
4♥ = 4 | Double = 1 You have a good one-suiter in Hearts and a singleton in the opponent’s suit,a sufficient combination for you to bid 4♥ despite having only 10HCP. Your three Diamonds will also be useful to bid on if the opponents bid 4♠.
4♣ = 4 | 5♣ = 3 | Pass = 1 You have an interesting hand with good five-card support in Clubs, a singleton and an Ace. All these offensive values should persuade you to bid at the four-level despite the weak character of your hand. Looking at three Spades, you know that partner has a singleton and you only have a few losers.
3NT = 4 | Double = 1 Choose the pragmatic 3NT: you have the King of Spades which will be protected from the opening lead if you’re the declarer. Your Diamond support assures you of six tricks in the suit. You have a balanced hand and 3 No-Trump is certainly the game contract that is easiest to make.
Double = 4 | 5♣ = 2 | 4♣ = 1 You have a good hand but are not sure which contract to choose. 3 No-Trump is possible if partner stops the Spades. 4 Hearts is possible on a 5-3 or even a 5-2 fit. Finally, you can also think of playing 5 Clubs. When uncertainty prevails, consult your partner by way of a takeout Double.
4♠ = 4 | Pass = 1 Partner has made a support Double at the two-level: he thus shows three Spades in a non-minimum hand. He can hold an unbalanced hand or 13-14HCP with three Spades and five Clubs. Your six beautiful Spades and your singleton Diamond are enough to bid 4♠. You have a good chance of making this while your defensive tricks against 4 Hearts are mediocre.
Double = 4 | 3NT = 2 | 5♦ = 1 After the 1♠ overcall, partner has freely bid 1NT. This guarantees a Spade stopper and a non-minimal hand. You have an unbalanced hand and only one Spade stopper might not be enough to make 3 No-Trump. The best bid available to you is a takeout Double: this allows you to play 3 Spades doubled, 3 No-Trump or 5 Diamonds.
4♦ = 6 | Pass = 2 You have neither a Spade stopper, nor three Hearts. Partner doubles in order to consult you, but you can’t bid game. Bid 4♦, natural and non-forcing.
4♠ = 6 | Pass = 1 Partner decides to bid freely at the four-level: this is the sign of a very unbalanced hand. With this bid, he shows a two-suiter with Spades and Hearts at least 5-5 but possibly 6-5. Given that you have a doubleton in both suits, correct to 4♠, the potentially longer suit.
Pass = 6 Partner’s Double is for takeout, showing opening values and asking you to choose the final contract. With your strong holding in Hearts, your hand is perfect for defending 4 Hearts doubled! Pass and warm up your pen.
4♠ = 6 | Pass = 2 Partner often has five Spades for his takeout Double. As you didn’t raise when you first had the opportunity, you can’t hold four-card support. Bid 4♠ and hope that your good trumps will lead to a favorable outcome.
5♦ = 6 | 6♦ = 3 | 5♥ = 1 In competitive auctions, 4NT is only asking for Aces if trumps have explicitly been agreed. Here, three suits were bid and no fit has been shown. 4NT is therefore for take-out, inviting you to bid on according to your length in the minors. With 6-4, you must bid 5♦, natural and to play.
Double = 6 | 5♥ = 2 | Pass = 1 Your partner is marked with a singleton (or void) in Spades. If you don’t take the initiative to double 4♠ for penalties, the chances are high that he will bid on to the five-level, a very unpleasant action when you have 5 lost points that are only useful in defense (♠KQ3). Double to avoid spilling the milk!
41. Did much better in the 2nd part. Did not know about the 4NT bid in Q11.
51 Also did not know about the 4NT bid in Q11
no pude anotar mi respuesta pues clicando la ? no salía ninguna opción para responder
21 in section one, 31 in section 2. Didn’t get the 4NT bid.
39 (20+19) which is 65% (quite good for me!). I also did not know about the 4NT bid asking for better minor. Great to learn something new.
54, missed level 2, Q1, thanks!