The bridge question
Sofie Sjødal
Sofie Sjødal

What would be your next bid?

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The solution


This is a forcing bid that lets Partner say more about his hand. We still do not know if we want to play a spade or a heart contract or how high we want to play. Since we have a void in opponents’ suit, our hand is very good.


We are not really planning to play in Clubs, but this also lets Partner show his hand better, since he can support our hearts with two or repeat his spades. If we return to Spades afterwards, we show three. The disadvantage with this bid is that Partner can pass, but it is not likely.

3 Spades

Here we commit to Spades and give up on the hearts, which might be a better contract. However, we show a good hand, so Partner does not need much extra to bid game, which is likely to make.

3 Heart

We make it difficult to end up in Spades, which is probably a better contract, but we are able to show our strength, so Partner will bid game with just a bit extra. However, he might end up supporting our hearts however he might end up supporting our Hearts despite a strong suit in Spades., so we can end up in the wrong place. It might also be better to be in Spades if Partner has two hearts and five spades, because we want to ruff diamonds in the short hand.


Our hand is too good to only bid 2♠, which would not show any extras. We are also not certain that we end up in the correct suit, but it is likely to be better than playing in Hearts.


We are not able to show our strength or our spade support, so we lose many options. We could easily make 4♠, with a hand where partner will pass 2♥.

Full Hand

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