A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

In matchpoint pairs, declarer sometimes has the opportunity to take some risks to get an extra trick.
Deal 1
Dealer West, All Vul.

North leads the ♠Q and South plays the 7. You play the contract that is certainly reached at most if not all tables and count nine immediate tricks. You might get a tenth in Hearts if the Ace is onside. How do you plan the play?
Start by cashing your five Club tricks to annoy the defenders and then play a Heart towards the King.
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Nel traduttore automatico perché non inserite una decina di parole italiane corrette, invece dell orrore che devo leggere sempre?
Doppio= contro
Ridoppie = surcontro
Affare = mano
Asta = licita
E qualche altra. Grazie dell attenzione