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What would be your next bid?
Sitting in West, what would be your next bid? See solutions Jérôme Rombaut’s answers To answer this question, it is necessary and sufficient to really understand the meaning of this protective 1NT…
A tempo squeeze?
Who said that only grand champions could write bridge articles? A few months ago, Funbridge launched a brand-new format of articles that allow talented players to share their expertise on the deals that…
2024 Israeli Open Team Trials
Who said that only grand champions could write bridge articles? Funbridge has launched a new format of articles that allow talented players to share their expertise on the deals that inspire them…
What would be your next bid?
What do you bid with this hand? And what do you plan to do next if your partner makes the most expected bid? See solutions The solution by Milan Macura You have…
Inferences and probabilities
Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert opinion…
A Test for Opponents
Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert…
Bridge problem: A matter of finesse
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. North-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♠3. In response to the reopening double, 3♣ shows an interesting hand which doesn’t justify a 2♣ overcall. The conclusion…
The key play
À la Reese
Providing good information and hope
Teams match. Dealer East. East-West vulnerable. Sitting East, you opened 1♠ to show your 5-5 spade-diamond two-suiter: Then you were not able to bid again: Not a fakir, your partner chooses the…