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À la Reese

Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert opinion about deals of particular interest to you. We are delighted to share a fascinating article written by a member of our community just below.


You are praticaly fluent in bidding when it's just you and your partner. But be careful, after pre-emptive action, there is a great deal of technical diversity in showing the different types of hands.

Let’s read!

Summer is the perfect time to re-read the great classics… of bridge. The game has always been commented on, carried further, animated by an abundant and inventive literature thanks to which we…


Surprise surprise!

Dealer South, None Vul. In first position, you have opened your balanced 19-count with 1♣: Your partner responds 1♥ and then signs off in 3NT over your 2NT rebid: West chooses to…


Teaching, a real job

Introducing friends or family to bridge is the best way to find new partners. It takes patience, pedagogy, method. In short, it’s realwork. How do teachers pass on technique and passion? Share…


The Champions Example

Teams game – Swedish Championship You are sitting South in Swedish champion Simon Hult‘s seat. After West’s 1♠ overcall, you easily reach a 3NT contract. Contract: 3NT. West leads the 5 of…
