Surprise surprise!
Dealer South, None Vul. In first position, you have opened your balanced 19-count with 1♣: Your partner responds 1♥ and then signs off in 3NT over your 2NT rebid: West chooses to…
Dealer South, None Vul. In first position, you have opened your balanced 19-count with 1♣: Your partner responds 1♥ and then signs off in 3NT over your 2NT rebid: West chooses to…
The game has already started, what did you lead as West? Deal 1 Solution: deal 1 ♦3: You lead partner’s suit, Diamonds, giving count, so you lead the 2 or 3 according…
Introducing friends or family to bridge is the best way to find new partners. It takes patience, pedagogy, method. In short, it’s realwork. How do teachers pass on technique and passion? Share…
Dangerous temptation Teams – Dealer South, None Vul. You hold the following hand as West: And the auction went like this: The fact that you hold three trumps with the Ace (and…
Teams game – Swedish Championship You are sitting South in Swedish champion Simon Hult‘s seat. After West’s 1♠ overcall, you easily reach a 3NT contract. Contract: 3NT. West leads the 5 of…
It is a phenomenon that has not been left unnoticed: online bridge platforms have experienced a dazzling and spectacular success since the health crisis. But how do you explain this craze for…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. Card play The 3♥ cue bid is acting as an invite to game here, the 3♠ bid rather being a pre-empt. With his…
Nowadays, everyone wants to open 1NT even when they have a five-card major. What was forbidden yesterday has become fashionable today. But beware of abuse! E/W Vul. As South, you hold: West…
In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to offer you free access to an article from the latest issue. Take advantage of it! Teams. Dealer North, All Vul. North opens 1♦.…
In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to offer you free access to an article from the February issue. Take advantage of it! Teams dealer south -N/S Vulnerables Sitting South, you…