July bidding contest: the results!
Summary The experts’ answers Deal 1: Tricky terrain Deal 2: 3NT, the cure-all? Deal 3: Fear does not keep the danger at bay Deal 4: Lack of space Deal 5: 3NT, the cure-all? (cont.) Deal 6: 3NT, the cure-all?…
Summary The experts’ answers Deal 1: Tricky terrain Deal 2: 3NT, the cure-all? Deal 3: Fear does not keep the danger at bay Deal 4: Lack of space Deal 5: 3NT, the cure-all? (cont.) Deal 6: 3NT, the cure-all?…
Lots of you took part in the monthly Funbridge Ambassador tournament of the 13th July 2024. Thanks to you, this tournament was a success. I hope to see even more of you…
Mixed Teams, regional finals. Contract: 7 Spades by South.West leads the Club Queen. Creusez-vous les méninges pour engranger toutes les levées ! How many tricks do you see?You can expect seven in…
Did you play India Natt’s tournament in June? In this article, England’s India Natt shares her top tips with you. Deal 1 In the bidding, South has a choice between two sensible…
856 of you participated in Funbridge’s monthly Professor tournament of June 2024. Thanks to you, this tournament was a success. I hope to see even more of you next time. Congratulations to…
Use all your knowledge to take up this challenge! Will you be clever enough to find the most appropriate bids? The principle in three points: Attention, in case of several participations, only your first…
Just because your opponents interfere in the bidding, this does not mean that you should not activey search for a three No-Trump. This month, we will study the principles concerning natural No-Trump…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Both vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: Ace of ♦. West plays another ♦, East discarding the 2 of ♠. You continue with a small ♣ to…
This is the third part of a series of articles. You can find the first two parts on the blog!To read part 1, click here and for part 2, click here. Enjoy…