Bridge Problem: Persistence Pays
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. I am sure we were all told this many times when we were young, but the concept can also apply to declarer…
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. I am sure we were all told this many times when we were young, but the concept can also apply to declarer…
Teams. Dealer South, E/W Vul. As West you are looking at the following hand. After two Passes, North opens 1♦ and your opponents bid as follows: What do you lead? By jumping…
My goal will therefore be to relay the work of bridge experts/researchers and give you my version of what I find. This time, we will examine opener’s “garbage” bid when he finds…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. All vulnerable. Lead: ♣K. This very technical sequence was played by an international pair. 2♣ is game-forcing, 3♥ is positive, 3NT shows the ♠ control…
Use all your skills and strategies to overcome this new challenge! Will you be able to identify the most appropriate bids? The principle in three points: Attention, in case of several participations, only…
Let’s focus today on the cases where the endplay is only effective against one of the two players or more effective against one of them. Examples: But of course, we can’t always…
An illustrious bridge champion and well-known journalist, Jean-Paul Meyer was one of the “greats” of the bridge world. With this bridge problem, rediscover the expertise of a player who left a lasting…