August Bridge Quiz: answer available!
In your opinion, is North last bid forcing or non-forcing? Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 21 August. The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday 23 August! Take a chance! 🍀…
In your opinion, is North last bid forcing or non-forcing? Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 21 August. The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday 23 August! Take a chance! 🍀…
North-South have reached a very poor contact. As so often, each of the two players considers that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you, what do you think? Problem 1…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. North-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦6. Do what you can to justify your rather light overcall. Solution You have escaped a ♥ lead, and for…
An addict to the thrills of bridge from a tender age, he left the South of France to join Lille, Funbridge’s mother city. Computer engineer by day, bridge player by night, his…
Bridge changes, constantly. Even the most basic convention, Stayman, must evolve in order to adapt to the changes. Now that it is common to open 1NT with a five-card major, you have…
Summary Answers gathered from the expertsDeal 1: Rotating SputnikDeal 2: Pairs SyndromeDeal 3: Not every day is a party!Deal 4: The big plungeDeal 5: A well-protected queenDeal 6: Better to hold than…
When the opening lead is made, it is too late to worry about what should have been done in the auction. On this month’s deal, declarer in a Funbridge MP game ended…
In order to reach a good slam in a suit, you have to discover support, quantify your assets, check for controls and finally apply Blackwood. The process of checking follows the showing…