Roller Coaster!
Against winds and tides our solid rock, used by many as a reference you turn to. A talented professor of theory without equal, Alain Lévy possesses one of the best records in…
Against winds and tides our solid rock, used by many as a reference you turn to. A talented professor of theory without equal, Alain Lévy possesses one of the best records in…
What is a sequence? How many types are there? When should you lead the top of the sequence? What are the criteria for the lead of the King in No-Trumps? And above…
Manage your stress, stay focused, go the distance… Manage your stress, stay focused, go the distance! Good players or great champions – even though the challenges are the same when it comes…
Sitting in South and considering the auction starts as above, what will your next bid be? 🤔 Submit your answer by 16 February. If you find the right answer, 10 Diamonds♦️ will be credited to your Funbridge account…
It’s where people learn to play, where they practice, where they make progress, where they meet and measure themselves against other enthusiasts. The club is at the center of all these moments…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. Game all. Card play Lead: Ace of ♣. ► Cross your fingers and… play! Solution You have seven ♠ tricks and a potential trick in…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer West. Game all. Card play Lead: Jack of ♥. If West had led a ♠, this contract would have been child’s play. Here you really do…
Dealer South, None Vul. Sitting South, you open the following hand 1NT: And North raises to 3NT: West leads the 10 of Spades. And now it’s your turn… Contract: 3NT.Lead: ♠10, the…
It’s to a riddle of a particular kind… that you’re going to be facing here.It’s about discovering a bridge hand (that of South) thanks to a series of clues that enable you…
We are happy to share the latest issue of the Funbridge Exclusive Newsletter with our Funbridge Premium and Premium+ subscribers. This month: a game, a bridge lesson and a surprise… Enjoy reading…
As we want to show our ongoing support to Funbridge subscribers and reward them for their involvement, we are pleased to offer them an advantage that has never been seen before in…