The correct part-score
In tournaments, it’s very common for a side to bid but not have enough points to reach game. In this case, it’s important to look for the best part-score contract: the one…
In tournaments, it’s very common for a side to bid but not have enough points to reach game. In this case, it’s important to look for the best part-score contract: the one…
This Sunday evening, I’m contacted by a new but very talented player from the club of the French girls. It’s easy to see that Marion is very passionate about bridge. I like…
For those who don’t systematically open 1NT with a five-card major, the sequence 1♦– 2♣ is a little peculiar, in as much as the opener cannot hold 15-17 HCP and a regular…
In France, they call a player who permanently hands out gifts to his opponents a Santa Claus (Père Noël). When in defence, he will often let a contract through that was supposed…
South dealer, All Vul. Lead: Ace of hearts, followed by the king (the ten and the three from East), then the queen, which you ruff when East discards the diamond two. Do…
Closed Room, table 1, last match Your opponent leads the diamond ace and your partner, a member of the fairer sex for whom you have a very weak spot, lays down a…
On sunday nights, i often get back home from a bridge competition that took place that weekend. I relax and I either jubilate or ruminate, depending on how the weekend went. but…
In France, they call a player who permanently hands out gifts to his opponents a Santa Claus (Père Noël). When in defense, he will often let a contract through that was supposed…
It is not so easy for the opener to properly support his partner. He has to take into account his distribution even more than his points. Later in the auction, the way…