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November bidding contest: the results!

Would you find the best path ?
This month it is time to take care of your card play technique in a teams match.You are the dealer as south, all vulnerable, and you have the following hand: What would…

Luc Bellicaud’s tournament analysis – 2 November 2024

Defence Agency : anticipating to make the right decision
In defense, you must know how to anticipate and guess how the play will unfold to make the right decision… At the right time! Problem 1 Lead: ♣K.The 3 from dummy, the…

Bridge Problem: Necessity Knows No Law

Your November Exclusive Newsletter
The Exclusive Newsletter for Premium and Premium+ subscribers has arrived! Discover the content and events we’ve prepared for you to get the new month off to a great start. 🍂 Your exclusive contents…

November Bidding Contest
Use all your knowledge to take up this challenge! Will you be clever enough to find the most appropriate bids? The principle in three points: Please know that in case of several participations, only…

Guilty as charged

Take-out double or penalty double?
Is it always very easy to distinguish the difference between a take-out double and a penalty double? We have seen the reasons why we would like to double for penalties and we…