Three scenarios
Dealer South, E/W vul. Herer’s your hand as West: South opens 1NT and North-South quickly reach 3 No-Trumps: What do you learn from the auction?North’s Stayman reveals that he has four Hearts…
Dealer South, E/W vul. Herer’s your hand as West: South opens 1NT and North-South quickly reach 3 No-Trumps: What do you learn from the auction?North’s Stayman reveals that he has four Hearts…
Summary The experts’ answersDeal 1: Major first?Deal 2: DecodingDeal 3: Complete indecisionDeal 4: Different ways of supportingDeal 5: Some flexibility in the doubleDeal 6: High-level pragmatismThe winners The experts’ answers Deal 1:…
North-South have got to a very bad contract. As is often the case, each of the players thinks that his partner is responsible for the accident. And you: what do you think?…
This Sunday evening, Isabelle tells me about a deal she played during a match France-Poland that took place during the Biarritz winter festival. Garance was reproachful about her Double of 2♥ with…