Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

Andrea Nilsson
Andrea Nilsson

Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

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Andrea Nilsson’s answers

Because you show your support to your partner, you have a maximum but not the best shape.


If partner has the right cards, we can make game. Partner can have a hand where he might pass 2♥️ but we can still make game. On the other hand, it is very likely that you go down with these cards.

15/20 (if invite)

The reason why this is not the best bid is that you don’t show your support for partner. The first thing to look at is whether you have support for your partner. But starting with 1S, you will learn more about partner’s hand, which will make it easier to know if you should make an invite instead.


You might end up in 1NT when you have an 8-card fit in a major, but it might be good if partner bid after 1NT so that you know if you should invite or not.


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  1. In my convention system, 2SA should be the more accurate answer:
    10-11 points with a fitted colour, and waiting to know the strength of your partner’s hand to go bidding further, no ?

    • I agree 1 spade a 4/4 fit is better then 5/3 fit also you get more info from partners next bid, you can always go back to hearts

    • The problem with that bid is the second round. If you say 2H you may show a weaker hand with only two cards in H. Your partner with say 16-17H will be unable to rebid on it and you ll probably miss 3NT or 4H…

  2. Et si l’ouvreur a 4 p ! on gagne probablement une levée supplémentaire à l’atout P Pourquoi s’en priver. Sinon on revient selon la redemande de l’ouvreur à 2 ou 3 C !

  3. I would reply with 2 SA giving your points and support at same time. But, you don’t now the strength of the fit. Your partner might have 5 hearts without honour. Reply with 1S is not wrong as well as it might turn out as a strong fit.

  4. 2 hearts. First duty is to show support for partner. I play requiring 4 hearts to raise to 3 with 10 points (which in Funbridge’s “system” causes me a lot of problems). Subtract 1 point for shape. You have shown your hand accurately in one bid, and neither 1 NT, 1 spade, nor 3 hearts does.

  5. Avec mon partenaire nous jouons le 2SA fitté illimité à partir de 10 PTS !
    Le joueur qui a ouvert va répondre en décrivant son jeu :
    _ 3 trèfles : 12 à 14 pts avec un singleton ou une chicane
    _ 3 carreaux : 15 à 17 pts avec singleton ou chicane
    _ 3 cœurs : 1ére zone 12 à 14 points
    _ 3 piques : 2éme zone 15 à 17 pts
    _ 3 SA : plus de 17 pts
    Normalement ce système que nous apprécions particulièrement doit nous permettre de trouver le meilleur contrat final .

  6. In my system (BB2 NATURAL) the suggested answer is 3harts, because of fit and points; also the lack of interference supports low scores. This answer allows the bidder tò raise tò 4H, provided more points…

  7. 1S because
    – Is forcing so i May know my pard hand,
    – i’m looking for a 4/4 fit Better than 5/3
    – my partner hand May be 11/21 hcp
    – i can recover hearts fit at necessary level

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