September newsletter
Here is the september newsletter : Hello everyone, Here is the hot news: the 10 years Funbridge teeshirt and sweatshirt are available, and the next elimination tournament.
Here is the september newsletter : Hello everyone, Here is the hot news: the 10 years Funbridge teeshirt and sweatshirt are available, and the next elimination tournament.
For the 10th anniversary of your preferred bridge site, the official tshirt and sweatshirt Funbridge are available in limited edition.
In order to start the summer right, FunBridge offers you some free Premium months for any subscription taken out before the 30st of June, 2011. Indeed, you only have to choose the…
This version is a test version; this means that: You will be among the first to try it, and the first to let us know what you think about it. You will…
The Funbridge Series existed for several years and have not been modified since their creation. Originally planned as the French Bridge Federation series, the up growing number of players on Funbridge result…
A new version of the iPhone iPad Funbridge application is available. What’s new in this version: A new game mode: tournaments. Every 6 hours, alternating between pairs and IMP ranking, a 10…
Emails of game report, what is it? There is currently 2 kind of game report on Funbridge: The intermediate reports: you receive this email each 10 series tournaments played. It shows your…
A new version of the FunBridge Game Engine is now available. As of monday, april 11, 2011, this new version of the Game Engine will be active over some practice and open…
Ahead first, find below the Funbridge T-shirt special 10 years! Funbridge 10 years T-shirt will soon be available on our website. Meanwhile and for the faithful readers of this blog, we offer…
The Diip studio is working on a camera system able to read cards played in live! The aim is to easily broadcast live or with a slight delay a bridge tournament. This…
Pour fêter les 10 ans de Funbridge (2001 – 2011), toute l’équipe Funbridge est fière et heureuse de vous présenter son « Funbridge ten years tour » ! 6 villes en France,…