Roller Coaster!
Against winds and tides our solid rock, used by many as a reference you turn to. A talented professor of theory without equal, Alain Lévy possesses one of the best records in…
Against winds and tides our solid rock, used by many as a reference you turn to. A talented professor of theory without equal, Alain Lévy possesses one of the best records in…
What is a sequence? How many types are there? When should you lead the top of the sequence? What are the criteria for the lead of the King in No-Trumps? And above…
You are sitting left of opener. You have a good hand but you don’t know how to show it. Is this the moment to draw your Double card, this all-purpose weapon of…
You are in the slam zone. When and how should you initiate the process of showing controls? In the classical system, the first bid that shows a control denies any control in…
Is the unpopular 2♦️, game forcing, doomed to disappear soon? Not sure! We can continue to use it together with 2♣️, semi-forcing, in an efficient way, provided that some adjustments are made.…
Even if it is less complex than fourth suit forcing, the third suit forcing doesn’t conceal less traps in which many bridge players, even experienced ones, get caught when they are not…
2020. Confined in their respective countries, the champions were deprived of the Vanderbilt, which was to take place in Columbus (Ohio). Paul Street, an American sponsor and captain of a team that…
The Sputnik Double does not date from yesterday. It was invented in 1957 by the Americans Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone at the time of the launch of the first satellite, and…
An intervention with a two-suiter “eats up” space and forces the opener’s side to work out a rigorous system that is based on conventional bids that require a certain amount of memorization.…
As the use of the strong 1NT opening declines, the number of interventions increase, especially artificial ones. It is important to know how to react to the three main interventions you will…
There are three types of two-suited bids for Opener: non-reverses (non-forcing), reverses (forcing once but not to game) and jump shifts (forcing to game). In this article, we will study the two…