National Division: In Jérôme Rombaut’s Mind [Part 2]

National Division: In Jérôme Rombaut’s Mind [Part 1]
The French National Pairs Division 1 was held on 28-29 September and 5-6 October. Jérôme Rombaut participated with his son Léo. In this article, he talks about some of the deals he…

Sitting North, what would be your next bid?
What would be your next bid? Se…

What would be your next bid?
Sitting in West, what would be your next bid? See solutions Jérôme Rombaut’s answers To answer this question, it is necessary and sufficient to really understand the meaning of this protective 1NT…

Brilliant Defence
In this new article, Jérôme Rombaut looks back at a deal played by Team Funbridge member Nicolai Hieberg-Evenstad. Discover this brilliant deal which could well lead Nicolai to see his strategy become…

What is the best lead?
Sitting South, what would be your lead? ► Solutions The best lead according to Jérôme Rombaut The most efficient lead which will also please your partner. Score: 20/20 ✔️ Indeed, sometimes you…

Jérôme and Léo Rombaut (of Team Funbridge) become European vice-champions!
The 10th European Open Transnational Bridge Championships have just come to an end in Strasbourg! An event studded with plenty of adventures, both bridge-wise and on a human level. Among those, the…

One hand, six questions. Play with Jérôme and Léo Rombaut!
Nowadays, everyone wants to open 1NT even when they have a five-card major. What was forbidden yesterday has become fashionable today. But beware of abuse! E/W Vul. As South, you hold: West…