Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

Tuva Nilsmark, bridge influencer!

New ambassador: Anam Tebha!

2024 Channel Trophy: Off to London!

The Girls team got bronze in the National Women’s Teams Division 2
This weekend, I played the Women’s Teams with our youth team for the second time 🙂 We play in National Division 2 (DN2), and this year the competition took place over a…

A new ambassador arrives on Funbridge: Zach Grossack!
Meet Zach Grossack, the youngest Grand Life Master of the ACBL, multi-world champion, and winner of numerous North American titles. Challenge this bridge prodigy in his upcoming tournament on Funbridge and test…

Sitting South, what would be your bid?
Sitting South, what would be your bid ? See the answers Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu’s answers Here the cue bid is used to show 5-5 in the minors without bypassing 3NT which might be…

The tiara for the Mixed at the Pula Festival!

Silver medal in the World Transnational Championships!
Following the Youth European Teams Championships, the World Transnational Teams Championships took place from the 13th to 15th July in Wroclaw, Poland. I took part in those in the Girls’ category (girls…

The Girls won gold at the 29th Youth Championships in Wroclaw (Poland)!
29th Youth Championships in Wroclaw Meet the teams Train journey and visit to the city of Wroclaw A deal by Ninon Bens and Eulalie Bonin, members of the Under-21 team The point…