A suicide endplay
You have probably heard of a Suicide Squeeze. Playing in a notrump contract, the idea is to break the defensive communications by giving a defender the lead with a choice of only…
You have probably heard of a Suicide Squeeze. Playing in a notrump contract, the idea is to break the defensive communications by giving a defender the lead with a choice of only…
We’ve all played contracts that you know can be made provided you guess right. The fate of the contract may depend on a two-way finesse for a queen, a finesse-or-drop guess, deciding…
Some hands are annoyingly simple, once you have seen the solution. On this deal from the Funbridge Team Game, there are no endplays, no complex squeezes and not even any tricky suit…
This month’s hand comes from a Funbridge daily matchpoint tournament. Both the bidding and the play are instructive. Dealer North. Both Vul. West leads the ♦ J against your notrump slam. How…
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. I am sure we were all told this many times when we were young, but the concept can also apply to declarer…
When the opening lead is made, it is too late to worry about what should have been done in the auction. On this month’s deal, declarer in a Funbridge MP game ended…
Strasbourg European Open ended a few days ago. During the event Team Funbridge got the chance to face several renowned players. Among them are Luc Bellicaud, Pierre Schmidt, Stéphane Garcia and Romaric…
Whether the contract is a lowly 1♥ or a lofty 7♠, it is essential that you make a plan before even playing to trick one. Counting your losers (and double-checking the process…
No one ever seems to pass these days. You have to fight to win every auction. The upside of this aggressive bidding environment is that when you become declarer you are likely…
You need to be constantly awake as declarer. Problems are much easier when seen in a book or a magazine, as there is a kindly author tapping you on the shoulder and…