Norbert Lébely's posts

It’s priceless!

Dealer South, None Vul. Sitting South, you open the following hand 1NT: And North raises to 3NT: West leads the 10 of Spades. And now it’s your turn… Contract: 3NT.Lead: ♠10, the…

Bridge article step by step

3-2 or 4-1?

Dealer West, All Vul. West starts with the Ace-King-Queen of Clubs, East following with the three, four and Jack, and then switches to the Diamond three… How many winners do you count?…

Achille's heel bridge article Norbert Lébely

Achilles’ heel

It is very often at trick one that the fate of a contract is decided. So, never let yourself give in to an excess of precipitation at this crucial moment… Teams. Dealer…

Black mailer bridge article by Norbert Lébely

Black mailer

At first glance, does your contract look lay-down? In that case, double up your attention and prepare for the worst. Teams Dealer South. All Vul. You are South and you hold 23…

Bridge article 21+1=21

21 + 1 = 21!

A strong hand opposite a weak hand equals big communication problems. That you will have to anticipate … Teams. Dealer East. None Vul. Here is your hand as South: When East opens…
