Bridgerama+, the reference magazine on bridge, is getting a makeover!

Every month our Premium+ subscribers receive an email giving access to a new issue of Bridgerama+ (digital version), the magazine that improves your game. This magazine offers articles and exercises by top bridge players.

We are pleased to announce that Bridgerama+ now offers an all-new reading experience is getting a makeover


Easier to read

Refined layout and easy-to-read articles.

More personalised

Search for related articles or by column, add columns to your favourites, make an advanced search… You decide!

More interactive

Problems and exercises are more interactive and easier to share. Answers are easier to access.

More user-friendly

Leave comments, share your view, ask questions and interact with other subscribers.

How do I access Bridgerama+?

Bridgerama+ is included in digital form in the Funbridge Premium+ subscription.

If you are a Premium+ subscriber, it’s it to access Bridgerama+:

If you are not yet a subscriber yet, discover all Premium+ features:


  1. I am a premiem + subscriber but there is no link to bridgerama in the my account section. How to I access?

  2. I have exactly the same problem on my French site!!
    It’s exasperating.
    Anyone have the solution?

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