To catch a thief
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South, East-West vulnerable: Card play 6♠ contract played by South. West leads the 10 of ♥. ► How will you get out of this? Comment on…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South, East-West vulnerable: Card play 6♠ contract played by South. West leads the 10 of ♥. ► How will you get out of this? Comment on…
Ready for some brainstorming? This bidding contest is going to put your bridge skills severely to the test! Rules of the game Here are 6 deals. You have to find the best…
This Sunday evening, it’s Clothilde who reaches out to me. She is without doubt one of the very best girls in my group. She evolves in a very bridgesque environment. Her family…
An intervention with a two-suiter “eats up” space and forces the opener’s side to work out a rigorous system that is based on conventional bids that require a certain amount of memorization.…
When one of the partnership opens 2NT, he already gives a precise description of his hand. But even so, his partner has many bids available to ask him to refine his description…
The eternal question for a bridge player… whose fault was it, who is guilty? This article is dedicated to a domain that is the reason for many discussions at the end of…
Your hand Bidding Dealer North. North-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: 3 of ♦. The lead of a small ♦, Dummy’s first suit, has every chance of being a singleton. You will notice…
In partnership with Bridgerama+ magazine, Funbridge is pleased to offer you free access to an article from the latest issue. Take advantage of it! Teams. Dealer North, All Vul. North opens 1♦.…
As the use of the strong 1NT opening declines, the number of interventions increase, especially artificial ones. It is important to know how to react to the three main interventions you will…
Your hand sitting in South Bidding Dealer South. Nord-South vulnerable. Card play Lead: Queen of ♥. Your partner didn’t relent. He probably wanted to lead the defence to 6♠. East-West refused to…