January bidding contest
Use all your skills and strategies to overcome this new challenge! Will you be able to identify the most appropriate bids? The principle in three points: Attention, in case of several participations, only…
Use all your skills and strategies to overcome this new challenge! Will you be able to identify the most appropriate bids? The principle in three points: Attention, in case of several participations, only…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer South. Neither side vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦ Queen, followed by Jack.How do you plan to continue? In modern bidding, 3NT shows a 4- or 5-card…
We’ve all played contracts that you know can be made provided you guess right. The fate of the contract may depend on a two-way finesse for a queen, a finesse-or-drop guess, deciding…
Is North last bid forcing or non-forcing? Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 18 December. The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday 27 December! What is the “bridge quiz”? The bridge quiz is a game offered…
1,216 of you were present for December 2023‘s monthly Funbridge tournament: The Professor. Thanks to you, the tournament was a success. I hope to see you return in even greater numbers in…
This Sunday night, I watched Marjorie play 3 No-TRump on the last deal of a practice match against the team from Poland. She went down in the unluckiest way – even if…
The NABC, organised by the American Contract Bridge League (ABCL), will be held from 23 November to 3 December. For the occasion, this article will be updated regularly to keep you informed…
For my final tournament of the year, there were 1,500 of you; thank you to all those who participated! Unfortunately, the deals did not go my way and I finished on an…
Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert opinion…
Fourth suit forcing is part of what teachers refer to as “Responder’s second bid”. This is a conventional bid and is therefore only used in the absence of a satisfactory natural bid. But unlike…
Teams match, Dealer West, None Vul. After West opens 1♦ as dealer and your partner doubles for takeout, you respond 1♠ with the following hand as South: After which the auction develops…