Christian Lahrmann | Team Funbridge

ID Card

Funbridge username: Christian Lahrmann

Nickname: Chris

Nationality: Danish

Style of play: Solid but creative.

Date of birth: 2 April 2003

Playing record

Cup first

World Champion U16 pairs 🥇

World Champion U21 🥇

Interview with Christian Lahrmann


At what age did you start playing bridge?

I started when I was 7. It came naturally to me since my dad has a bridge club.

What is your best bridge memory?

Winning the WC U16 with a really good friend of mine.

What would you say to encourage someone to take up bridge?

Bridge is a super nice game. You and your partner try to get better and better, so that you can compete against the top level. You get to make a lot of friends from all countries.

What do you do when you are not playing bridge?

Right now, I am just enjoying life, playing a lot of bridge and some poker. 💵


Why have you decided to joined the Funbridge team?

What’s not to like about playing with my good friends and having fun? 😃