Christmas Tournament on 24-25 December

Funbridge is running a special tournament for Christmas 🎉 Make the most of this special time of year! Relax and entertain yourself with this event. And try to win hundreds of Diamonds! ♦️
Funbridge is running a special tournament for Christmas 🎉 Make the most of this special time of year! Relax and entertain yourself with this event. And try to win hundreds of Diamonds! ♦️
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Hello, I am Saturnina, unfortunately I cannot play the funbridge tournaments because twice I started playing and when I wanted to follow playing the 3rd hand the label Next hand did not appear
Switch browser and update Funbridge
What the hell is going on??????
Had this problem update to latest version also don’t use safari browser seems to give issues I switched to another browser and prob went away
The guys above are right. You want to start playing and when you want to bid it does not react! Really, what’s going on???
I’m wondering if the players that always get 96% or so could pick the wining numbers to a few lotteries for me such outstanding brilliance is to be admired perhaps Funbridge could honour these players in some way other than of course giving them a bunch of free diamonds for wining tournaments that offer a Prise us mere mortals are obviously jealous. Sad however these players are all new having played only a few hands perhaps they must always change their identity so science does not lock them up to study their brains