Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

Dominique Fonteneau
Dominique Fonteneau

Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

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Dominique Fonteneau’s answers

It is the bid that makes it easy to find a 4-4 fit in hearts while describing your 5-card suit and at least an invitational hand.   

20/20 ✅

This is a forcing cuebid with at least 10 points inviting to game in a suit yet to be determined. The problem is that you don’t describe your hand at all.


3 shows a hand with 6-10 points and a fit that can exceptionally be made in the doubleton. But here your hand is a little too strong and it will be better played to consider playing a more lucrative contract.


2NT is a natural non-forcing and invitational bid, with 9 nice to 12 bad points, to try to play in 3NT. We would prefer to have a spade stop!


Passing is too pessimistic with this hand, but it will be a good thing from time to time.


2, it is a forcing bid but it is made with at least 5 cards in hearts!


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  1. 2D would be my bid….shouldn’t we have an opportunity to make our bid before your answers are shown? Your answers were revealed straight away.
    But it was nice to know my reading of the hand agrees with you!

  2. I do PASS.
    In general, it is difficult to make 3NT, even if possible.
    2D: Not really probable to reach an Heart contract. Partner would have bid DBL. He need to have 6C and 4H. I show Diamonds, yes, but this is forcing 1 round. If P is in stress, he has to bid 3C even if with 5 cards only.
    2S: is a forcing game bid. There must exist a FG bid, and 2S is it.
    3C: Not possible, I dont have fit. Partner most of the time has only 5 cards.
    2NT: Not possible, I dont have Spades stop.
    2H: Not possible, I dont have 5 cards.

    To sum up:
    PASS: my choice, for sure not valuable 0/20
    2D: in order to invite and arrive to a 3NT, depending on how much we want to push.
    This is the clear hand in which we may have 25 points and go down to 3NT.

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