App update: discover the Easy tournaments game mode!
An updated version of your app has been available for a few days.
Don’t wait any longer, come try our latest feature! Easy Bridge Tournaments are available in the game mode “Get started/Practise”

Compare yourself with Series 11 players,
i.e. beginners on Funbridge
Everything has been said about these new tournaments, or almost. Because if you are not familiar with series tournaments (also available on Funbridge), further details may be useful. Click the button below to find out more:

Replay Series 11 tournaments
Now that you know how series work, please note that when you will play easy tournaments, you will in fact play Series 11 tournaments from the last period.
You were in Series 11 during the last period? No worry, you will only be invited to participate in tournaments that you have not played yet.

Easy Bridge Tournaments: confidential results
Finally, other players won’t see your results in easy bridge tournaments. So just feel free to play and enjoy! 😉
If you have not installed this updated version yet, you will be invited to do so next time you launch the app.
Have fun playing tournaments and see you soon on Funbridge!