Emma Kolesnik | Team Funbridge

ID Card

Funbridge username: ekolesnik

Nickname: Emma (name and nickname 😊).

Nationality: USA! Ukrainian on father’s side.

Style of play: Instinctive. Scientific on slam auctions and analytical in post-mortems with suit-preference style carding.

Date of birth: October 7, 1998.

Playing record

Cup first

Representative for Rona in the Junior World Championships 2018 👏

Venice Cup Representative for USA in Italy 2022 💪

Top 10 finish in the 2022 Reisinger 🏆

Junior U26 USA1 Representative for USA in upcoming Junior World Championships 😃

And many more honors to come…

Interview with Emma Kolesnik


At what age did you start playing bridge and what motivated you?

Very young with my family – but have only been playing serious competitive bridge since college (age 19).

What is your best bridge memory?

Winning the USA1 in the Women’s trials with Amber Lin in 2021!

What do you do when you are not playing bridge? (Sports, studies, work, hobbies, talents…)

I love to hike and do water sports outdoors, travel, and spend time with my friends and family! I also work full-time for Microsoft remotely in the US.


Why have you decided to joined the Funbridge team?

I want to make a positive impact on young people playing bridge and especially motivate young women to learn to play well and navigate through the male-dominated bridge world!