The example of the champions – by Norbert Lébely
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Mixed Teams trials (Saint-Cloud, December 2018)
Dealer North, None Vul. You hold the following hand as West:
♠ 103
♥ AQJ753
♦ 82
♣ K75
The whole auction:
What card did Danièle Gaviard lead?
She simply opted for the Ace of Hearts, in order to take a look at dummy and determine what she wants to do at the next trick.
North lays out her hand and here is what Danièle discovers:
Contract: 5♠ doubled.
Lead: ♥A. The four, ten and two.
Which suit should she play at trick two?
The ten of Hearts that Thomas Bessis played on the Ace is obviously neither attitude nor count – because of the singleton that is visible in dummy, this is suit preference for the higher remaining suit, Diamonds. There’s nothing original about it: in such circumstances, this is the classic meaning of partner’s card.
Does South’s bidding confirm this information?
Yes, absolutely. When declarer bid 4♠ after opening 1♦, she showed eleven of her cards (six Diamonds and five Spades, given that North’s raise to 3♦ had denied four Spades). In addition, East’s cue-bid of 4♦ and his Double also strongly indicate a Diamond void in his hand.
Now, which Diamond do you switch to precisely, the eight or the two? Is it important?
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I started playing Bridge about 5 years ago with other non-bridgers. We are self taught so we don’t know the language or strategies but we play and have fun BUT NOW….I want to progress. With no bridge knowledage, my average is 41….I want to see how much I could improve with knowledge of the game….how do I do that?