February Bridge Quiz! – The results!

Sitting South, considering the presented auction, what would your lead be?
Click on “Participate” to submit your answer before 16th February.
The winners will receive Diamonds♦️ on Wednesday 19th February!
What is the “Bridge Quiz”?
The Bridge Quiz is a game offered on Funbridge every two months. If you find the right answer, you’ll win:
- 10 Diamonds♦️ if you are Premium
- 20 Diamonds♦️ if your are Premium+

You need a Funbridge Premium or Premium+ subscription to keep reading.
To participate to the February Bridge Quiz, please log in to a valid Premium or Premium+ account.
Merci de me donner la version française ! Vos informaticiens dorment ?
désolé mais je ne comprends pas la question……
Agree. Lead 2S. When in doubt lead trump. You don’t want to give them a trick by leading away from an honor.
exact: atout