Find the lead

The game has already started, what did you lead as West?

Deal 1

Deal 1

Deal 2

Deal 2

Deal 3

Deal 3

Deal 4

Deal 4

Deal 5

Deal 5

Deal 6

Deal 6

Unfold the solutions below each deal to calculate your final score!

Tell us your score in the Comments Section below!


    • Count your points
      Ace is 4, King is 3, Queen is 2 and Jack is 1 in terms of high card points (HCP)
      In a suit contract doubleton xx is one extra point and a singleton x is 2 extra points and a void is 3. That is how I consider that meaning of ‘count your points’

  1. Hello StuHarriman, “Count your points” means “Calculate your score”. In each solution game you will find points awarded according to the lead you have chosen.

    I hope I have helped you,
    Kind regards,

    Margot – Team Funbridge

    • @ Margot Pengel
      Thank you for the explanation of the point count. That helps me calculate my true score. Reading comments from other players, I can see the levels of players. Thank you. I am at the 10 level of play on Funbridge

  2. A small spade lead on the last one could be a left-field alternative, especially if you need swings: if the ace of spade happens to be in dummy there is no way declarer is going to get it right.

  3. I got 53 points. A small club lead on deal 4 might also be wrong, what if N has AQxxx and S has Jx?

  4. I have some remarks to this quiz.
    First of all, it should be clearly written what we are playing: match or tournament. For a bridge master it makes a difference.
    Second thing: our first lead depends (sometimes) on the system we play with our partner.
    Deal 1.
    If we play such system that 1D promises at least 4 diamonds then the lead if diamonds is good.
    If 1D promises 3 cards then Queen of clubs is better.
    Deal 4.
    I assume the three first bids were natural. Therefore first lead in any of these suits is a bridge horror. 2H was “forth suit”. It is possible that the opponents have only one stop in hearts. Queen of hearts could be successsful. I know authentic board where Polish grand master Lebioda defeated 3NT thanks to the first lead from Dx.
    Deal 5.
    Splinter showed diamond singleton. First lead in trump diminishes number of tricks which declarer can take. Therefore some number of points should be assigned to this answer.
    In conclusion: the next quiz should be better prepared.
    Regards to all.
    (national master and bridge journalist)

    • A correction:
      Deal 1.
      If we play such system that 1D promises at least 4 diamonds then the lead of diamonds is good.

  5. 49. I agreed with the logic but there’s no way to be read the opponent’s, a common trip point in online games.

  6. I liked this “guess the lead” & the explanation of the why. It has given more clarification between a lead to NT vs Suit. Thank you

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