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Deal #1: What do you lead as South?

All Vul.

The solution

♥Q: East has shown five Clubs, four Diamonds and a Spade residue. He is necessarily short in Hearts. Leading the Heart Queen seems more constructive than a small Spade from an anemic suit.

Count your points!

♦Q: 10 points
♠7: 4 points

Deal #2: What do you lead as South?

All Vul.

The solution

♣Q: With a strong holding in the trump suit, you should hope to force declarer to ruff in order to get a trump trick from your length and simultaneously set up a long Club.

Count your points!

♣Q: 10 points
♦3: 4 points

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  1. Please! What do you mine and how do you count the points in the section “Count your points”?
    Than you very much!
    I liked your article!

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