Get 14 deals for free every week!
You have used up your credit of deals and you now have to wait 7 days until you can get another 10 deals for free on Funbridge. Quite long, right? ⏱️
Good news! Log in to Funbridge every day and you will now get 2 deals for free. You can play them straight away or save them for later. And there’s no limit!
You log in to Funbridge today and click on the “Gift” picture 🎁 on the top of the screen. 2 free deals are automatically credited to your account.
You got it! By logging in to Funbridge every day, you will now receive 14 deals for free a week instead of previously 10! And you can save an unlimited number of free deals even if your remaining credit is not 0. 🥳
i cannot see the 2 free gaims after “claiming”.