Funbridge iPhone iPad : new version !

A new version of Funbridge for iPhone iPad is available.

The installation of this latest version from the Apple store is required to continue playing.

What’s new in this version:
– Daily tournaments every 2 hours.
– Series ranking with all players.
– The ability to edit your profile (picture, city, etc.) and see users’ profile.

And as usual:
– The training mode
– The ability to see how other players play
– The conventions choice

How to use this new version?
Click here: Funbridge on the Apple Store or visit the Apple store on your iPhone or iPad, do a search on the keyword “Funbridge” and install the latest version.

Enjoy !


  1. At first I was excited about the “new version” but what you failed to mention is perhaps the most important “new feature.” That is, it’s no longer free to play. I will be uninstalling and unsubscribing. Call me when you decide to go with an ad model. Credits? What is this, 1997?

  2. Really disappointed you have discontinued free play. Two deals a day! Really!! I agree with Steve about an ad version. I won’t be back

  3. I think the cost is very low and the value of no ADs is very high. ADs take up screen space and distract from the game, and send you off to the app store at every accidental touch. I’d pay more than 2.5 cents a hand to avoid ADs. Great app: Good Job, FunBridge team. (except for north passing my jump raise of his opening every time… Smile)

  4. Yo
    It seem awesome but I’m do have smartphone not iphone one.
    So I wonder if you do progressing for all type of smartphones?


  5. Hi, I’m afraid I don’t have the 2 deals credits each day. Is it normal ?
    btw, I think 2 deals a day is not a sufficient credit to keep enough players in your community.
    For instance, I joined your community 1 month ago, I achieved quickly 6S tournament but I couldn’t keep playing with other players since my amount of credits was ended. Too bad, I’m sure that with that policy, you will lose 80% of you members…

  6. Will there be a subscription option? I would prefer a single annual payment to the per-deal pricing which quickly mounts, certainly my initial free deals did not last long!


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