FunBridge Quiz : the new app on iPhone and iPad
We’ve got some great news for you today! FunBridge Quiz, the new game developped by the FunBridge teams is now available for iPhone and iPad!
FunBridge Quiz is a game which allows you to test your bridge knowledge. Here, hundreds of Quizzes covering all aspects of the game (lead cards, card play, forcing…) that you will try to answer correctly.
The application FunBridge Quiz is only available for iPhone and iPad at this time, but the FunBridgeteam developers are also working on an Android version which should be released later this year.
Let me invite you to learn more about the application bellow.

You thought you knew everything about bridge?
500 Quizzes
The FunBridge teams developed 500 bridge game quizzes for all types of players.
Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you will inevitably find questions related to your level of play.
The quizzes are divided in 20 questions sets and under 5 themes :
♠ The right bid
♣ The right hand
♥ Card play
♦ Forcing or not forcing?
♠ Defending a contract

To help you track your progress, FunBridge Quiz provides statisticsfor the five available game themes.
These statistics will help you determine which themes you know best, and in the contrary, what themes require more work on your part.
You also have the option to reset these data.
At FunBridge, we are know that some specific bridge terms are sometimes difficult to understand.
So we decided to provide a glossary of more than 100 words, listing the most common terms that a player can find at a bridge table, and available directly from the solution of a Quiz.
You will impress your friends with this vocabulary!
For only 8.99$, FunBridge Quiz will be your ideal partner to progress and improve yourself at bridge.
You want to be ready for a tournament? FunBridge Quiz is the perfect tool to revise certain situations you might encounter! You have 5 minutes to kill and want to test your knowledge? FunBridge Quiz is made for you!
Discover a demonstration video of FunBridge Quiz with Jerome Rombaut, member of the France Team, France and Europe Champion, and also advisor at FunBridge, directly on the site:
Bridge conventions in Funbridge Quiz:
For Funbridge Quiz, we use the most standard bridge rules.
For the auction, we use a classic Major 5th system, without any special conventions, but all the basic ones: Stayman, Transfers, Negative Double, Roudi, Blackwood The 2C opening bid will be strong, the 2D opening bid will be game forcing and the 2H and 2S opening bids will be preempts.
1NT opening range will be 15-17 points.
For card play, leads will be Even/Odd in a trump contract and 4th Best in a No-Trump contract and of course Top of a sequence whenever possible.
We wish you a lot of fun with FunBridge Quiz!
Valentin, FunBridge Team.
Does the quiz have an ACOL option? Which conventions are used? Can conventions be decided by the user?
Hello Bob,
For Funbridge Quiz, we use the most standard bridge rules.
For the auction, we use a classic Major 5th system, without any special conventions, but all the basic ones: Stayman, Transfers, Negative Double, Roudi, Blackwood The 2C opening bid will be strong, the 2D opening bid will be game forcing and the 2H and 2S opening bids will be preempts.
1NT opening range will be 15-17 points.
For card play, leads will be Even/Odd in a trump contract and 4th Best in a No-Trump contract and of course Top of a sequence whenever possible.