Free article : How many cards?

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For each problem, you must find how many cards (at least) South promises with his last bid.

Since there is only one correct answer per sequence, you will only be entitled to points if you give the exact number. Each of the two levels of difficulty has six problems. You will get 2 points for each correct answer at level 1. The award at level 2 is 3 points. The maximum score is therefore 30 points. To get your score out of 20, multiply your score by 2 then divide the total by 3 and discover your mark!

Before starting, take a pen and a paper to write down your answers.

Level 1

Sequence 1 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 1

Sequence 2 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 2

Sequence 3 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 3

Sequence 4 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 4

Sequence 5 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 5

Sequence 6 :

➔ Find the solution for level 1 Sequence 6

Level 2

Sequence 1 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 1

Sequence 2 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 2

Sequence 3 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 3

Sequence 4 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 4

Sequence 5 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 5

Sequence 6 :

➔ Find the solution for level 2 Sequence 6


Level 1

Count 2 points for each correct answer.

Sequence 1 – Five cards

1♠ is fourth suit forcing and asks you to give more information about your strength and distribution. With a balanced hand and 12-14HCP you always bid 1NT, no matter if you have a Spade stopper. 2♣ is the sign of an unbalanced or semi-balanced hand in the range of 11-14 points comprising at least five Clubs and four Hearts.

Come back to level 1 sequence #1

Sequence 2 – Five cards

Here, repeating the major opposite fourth suit forcing shows a hand with at least six Clubs and five Hearts and 13-14HCP (weaker hands can be opened with 1♥). If you don’t have five Hearts, you need to choose another bid.

Come back to level 1 sequence #2

Sequence 3 – Five cards

Opener’s 2♥ is a reverse, showing a hand with 17+HCP and at least five Clubs and four Hearts in theory. The 2NT answer is artificial and the sign of a weak hand. It asks opener to return to his initial minor in order to stop the auction. 3♣ is therefore the execution of this puppet and in no way promises a sixth card!

Come back to level 1 sequence #3

Sequence 4 – Three cards

Opposite North’s fourth suit forcing, the priority is to indicate three-card support in his major. But does this 2♥ bid really guarantee three cards? Absolutely. If opener has a balanced hand without three Hearts and without a Diamond stop, something like: ♠AQ94 ♥K5 ♦973 ♣KJ52, he must repeat his Spades (2♠). We call this the “neither- nor” convention.

Come back to level 1 sequence #4

Sequence 5 – Three cards

2♣ is a low-level sign-off. Although opener can have as little as three Clubs, the 2♣ bid can be made with four cards. 2♦ then is the sign of a 4-3-3-3 hand: opener is looking for a better fit in Diamonds than in Clubs.

Come back to level 1 sequence #5

Sequence 6 – Four cards

In theory, 3♠ is pre-emptive and made to avoid a reopening by West. But some pairs may decide to play
it as some sort of trial bid, even though other bids (2NT, 3♣/♦/♥) already serve this cause. In any case, this bid does not indicate an extra card in the Spade suit! Opener has four cards.

Come back to level 1 sequence #6

Level 2

Count 3 points for each correct answer.

Sequence 1 – Five cards

After the 1NT overcall by player n°4, opener’s Double is a support Double, promising a decent hand and three- card support in responder’s suit. Here, responder’s 2♥ then shows a minimum hand with five Hearts (one could envisage four cards with a very weak hand and a 4-4-3-2 but this case remains marginal).

Come back to level 2 sequence #1

Sequence 2 – Four cards

After West’s weak jump, 3♦ shows four-card support and 11-14 points with either 2-2-4-5 or (1-3)-4-5 distribution. 3♥ is purely competitive. 5♣ is sign-off and confirms that North-South have at least a nine-card fit. South should hold four Clubs (sometimes five, depending on your system in response to a 1♣ opening, which can force you to respond 1♦ with two or three Diamonds and five Clubs).

Come back to level 2 sequence #2

Sequence 3 – Four cards

The 3♥ bid here is pre-emptive bid and is therefore definitely not invitational. It’s used to prevent North
from re-opening and can be made with only four Hearts, especially in the case of a double fit in Hearts and Clubs.
It is also possible to hold five Hearts, but there are no rules that would require the fifth card.

Come back to level 2 sequence #3

Sequence 4 – Four cards

North’s 2♠ bid shows a two-suiter with at least 5-4 (often 6-4) in the black suits and a hand in the range of 15-17 points. 3♠ is natural and forcing in context and shows a concentration of points in Spades. Given that North denied four cards on the first round of bidding, he probably has three.

Come back to level 2 sequence #4

Sequence 5 – Five cards

3♣ is natural and non-forcing. It shows a limited hand with four Spades and five Clubs and takes away the whole two-level from East-West to prevent them from finding a possible fit in one of the red suits.

Come back to level 2 sequence #5

Sequence 6 – Five cards

3♥ is forcing and shows interest in playing game in one of the majors. As a free bid over East’s intervention, this shows 5-5 in the majors. With a 5-4, South would rather use a take-out Double.

Come back to level 2 sequence #6

Your score

Reminder : The maximum score is 30 points. To get your score out of 20, multiply your score by 2 then divide the total by 3.


Very Good!

Between 14 & 16


Between 12 & 14

Pretty good.

More than 10


Less than 10?

Try your luck again next time!

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