In her defense, it wasn’t that easy…

This Sunday night, I watched Marjorie play a deal against the girls from Israel. She doubled her opponents in 5♦ and declarer went down.

Fortunately, after the lead of a small trump (the 5 from dummy and the 2 from East), the young Israeli did not find the winning line. In her defense, it wasn’t that easy…
Me: “I just saw you double 5♦. That Double was a bit dangerous. If I had been told that they were going to make with an overtrick, it wouldn’t have surprised me.”
Marjorie: “How so, overtrick? Already, I have no luck that the Ace of Clubs is not in the hand of the overcall. South showed a big hand and the Club Ace could well be well placed for me. What is more, I have four trumps, a huge opposition in declarer’s second suit, Hearts, and the King of Spades.”
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