Our ambassador: Milan Macura

Discover the champion profile and ambassador Milan Macura and challenge him in his next Funbridge Points tournament.

ID Card

Nationality: Czech

Studies: Bachelor’s degree in informatics and Master’s degree in Statistics

WBF title: World Master

Playing Record

  • 2009: 1st World Youth Congress in Istanbul 
  • 2012: Was ČBS(Czech Bridge Federation)President
  • 2013: Member of the EBL Youth Committee (The European Bridge League is the governing body of bridge in Europe.)

Milan Macura’s interview

How did you get into bridge?

Everything started when I was 10. My grandfather took me to a bridge course. At that time, handball was my favourite sport, but everything changed when I was 15. I began playing seriously with my grandfather. I found a junior partner and in 2001, I participated in my first championship (Junior pairs) in Poland. 

What’s your best bridge memory?

The nicest moment of my bridge career was playing against the top Dutch team in the semifinals of the 1st World Youth Congress. We were down by 30 IMPs after the first segment and we had only 16 boards to win against multiple European and World Champions.

Extra tip from the Expert:

Proper hand evaluation can change your game. Thinking in tricks instead of HCP will improve your bidding, card play, and defense.


  1. How to I do to challenge him? I press the Challenge Him-button but it just sends me to the mainscreen with the tournaments.

    • Hello 210Myers
      Sorry for the long delay, you can play his tournament every tuesday and thursday 🙂

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