Sitting South, what would your next bid be?

Sitting South, what would you bid?
Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu’s answers
With around 20 HLD points and at least 6 in partner’s suit, you have enough points for a heart game. But how do you best describe your hand?

4♦ is indeed the technical bid! It imposes the 4-level with a maximum hand. And obviously since it is our suit, the bid cannot be a Splinter: it is an ‘auto-fragment bid’ which describes to partner a nice 6-4 with concentrated points and the 6-card minor headed by 3 big honours.
Score : 20/20 ✅

If you make a Splinter with this hand, you are already giving partner several pieces of information: a maximum hand, a shortage in clubs and at least 5 diamonds. Still a little less descriptive than 4♦, which allows to visualise 10 playing tricks.
Score : 15/20

It is fine to want to play in a heart game, but it is better to describe your hand! Your partner may have opening strength and you will be in the slam zone. It will then be much easier for him to imagine winning tricks if you show him your nice two-suiter.
Score : 10/20

Your hand is far too strong for this rebid, which is non-forcing. 3♥ shows an unbalanced hand of 15-17 points with 4 hearts. Your partner will pass if he has 7 points at most and you have too few losers to accept that! Only your partner holding the king of hearts would guarantee you 10 tricks.
Score : 05/20

Well, not only is this non-forcing, but 3♦ also denies 4 hearts! You will only show a mid-range hand with 6 cards in diamonds, whereas 4♥ is really the contract you want to play in.
Score : 0/20
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I didn’t know a jump to 4 diamonds shows heart support.
I am not sure my partner does either.
That’s the problem. Do not use a convention you haven’t discussed with partner. So you can splinter if you want but playing in my club with average partner’s I just bid 4 hearts ok we might miss slam but we not going to play in 4 or 5 diamonds for a poor result
For average club players dwelling in too many conventions could miss a game or end in disaster. My bid too would be 4 Heart.
With my partner we use splinters when possible, so the splinter would be a better option of less possible misunderstanding, I suppose.
good question but the answer depends the sys you play with your partner .
4 nt seems good bid
Interesting learning. I would have gone for 4 Hearts!
3❤️ thats mean i have 3 card of ❤️ and 15-17 points just to show him my points and i invite him if he have much points he will bid 4♥️
You have 19 points. 16 HCP plus 3 for the singleton. 3 Hearts is a big underbid. You likely have six tricks in diamonds.
I am also bidding like her
4 hearts was good for me & if my partner had points for a slam will bid it!
4 hearts was good for me & if my partner had points for a slam will bid it!
My partner is not familiar with splinters. I would bid 4 hearts to avoid being left in 5 diamonds
4 hearts my bid
I have not played splinter with partner so I will bid 4 H
I bid ¤ 4 clubs . I would prefere 4 NT but I know in our bed system my partner can pass.
If I bid the splinter/ 4 ,diamonds, what will my partner bid? Some will go to 4 hearts – fewer would go to 5 diamonds. As for 4 no Trump – they would think I’m asking for aces!
That is a great bid, I’ve not seen that used before and the logic of it makes sense. Useful learning.
I don’t agree with the 4Diam bid as I don’t agree that it implies 4 card heart support. I prefer a splinter bid which confirms heart support and leads to at least a game of 4 hearts. The bid also confirms to my partner that I have more than a minimum hand of 11-15 hcp as I wouldn’t splinter with a minimum hand over partner’s bid of 1 heart.
In my view the splinter bid is the best bid and not 4 diamonds Margaux.
If partner had opening, wouldn’t he/she have bid 2 hearts?
I think a convention that has such a specific meaning is not common. For me the splinter bid is good enough.