Sitting South, what would be your bid?

Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu

Sitting South, what would be your bid ?

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Margaux Kurek-Beaulieu’s answers

Here the cue bid is used to show 5-5 in the minors without bypassing 3NT which might be the only winning game without many points in Partner’s hand.


4NT well describes a minor two-suiter but more unbalanced than in this hand, 6-6 or 6-5. With this hand, the right game will often be 3NT.


You do have the heart shortage. However, a take-out double will not well reflect your hand. Over 4♥ by Player #3, your partner could bid 4♠ with only four cards since your double most often shows 4. It is important for you to play towards the minors!


This overcall only shows a non-forcing diamond one-suiter. And you must show both a very maximum hand and a two-suiter. 


If you want to bid a suit and then the other with 5-5, always start with the higher-ranking suit. Diamonds here!


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