National Division: In Jérôme Rombaut’s Mind [Part 2]

The French National Pairs Division 1 was held on 28-29 September and 5-6 October. Jérôme Rombaut participated with his son Léo. In this second part, he continues his discussions with Funbridge staff member Vincent Gallais. To read the first part of the article, click here.

Put yourself in the shoes of the champions and take part in the discussions too!

Deal 12

If you were Jérôme, what would you have bid?

Deal 13

We didn’t manage to reach the game on this deal, so which one of us could have made an effort?

Deal 14

Sitting East, I led the 3 of spades to South’s ace and Léo’s queen. Declarer plays a club to his king won by my ace. What do you play now?

Deal 15

Sitting South, how do you play in the 4♥️ contract after the lead of the 10 of spades to East’s ace and East returns a spade to give a ruff to his partner, then a diamond to East’s ace and a small spade?

Deal 16

1NT : 10-12 HCP
2♣ : Natural

Léo leads the king of diamonds to dummy’s ace. Declarer puts the queen of clubs on the table. Do you cover?

Deal 17

You lead the 4 of diamonds to North’s king. He then plays the 8 of spades to declarer’s 10 and your king. You play the 2 of hearts to dummy’s ace. Declarer now returns the 10 of clubs to your ace. It’s your turn…

Deal 18

West leads the 4 of hearts, followed by a discard in dummy and you find yourself on lead with the ace. What do you play next?

Deal 19

The opening lead is tricky here. What would you have done? (You are sitting East.)

Deal 20

Your partner, sitting East, leads (and makes) his king of spades and plays a spade to your ace. What do you do now?

Deal 21

In your opinion, is passing 5♣️ forcing?

Deal 22

We didn’t fully understand each other during this auction. What do you think of our bids?

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