Barcelona’s 11th international tournament
Barcelona’s 11th international tournament was held from the 9th to the 11th February at the NH Collection Constanza hotel. A light and spacious room welcomed the participants for three sessions of 28…
Barcelona’s 11th international tournament was held from the 9th to the 11th February at the NH Collection Constanza hotel. A light and spacious room welcomed the participants for three sessions of 28…
Sitting in West, what would be your next bid? See solutions Jérôme Rombaut’s answers To answer this question, it is necessary and sufficient to really understand the meaning of this protective 1NT…
Here is a new Masterclass that is available throughout February just for you! In February there were almost 4,419 participants. How about setting a new participation record? 😉 And this Masterclass is…
The World Bridge Federation (WBF) organised a worldwide tournament aimed towards women on online platform from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th February. 64 teams from 31 countries entered, from every continent. The…
This Sunday evening, Isabelle tells me about a deal she played during a match France-Poland that took place during the Biarritz winter festival. Garance was reproachful about her Double of 2♥ with…
Who said that only grand champions could write bridge articles? A few months ago, Funbridge launched a brand-new format of articles that allow talented players to share their expertise on the deals that…
Every month our Premium+ subscribers receive an email giving access to a new issue of Bridgerama+ (digital version), the magazine that improves your game. This magazine offers articles and exercises by top…
1,146 of you took part in the monthly Funbridge tournament “The Professor” of February 2024. Thanks to you, the tournament was a success. I hope to see even more of you in…
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer North. All vulnerable. North-South hands Lead: ♠2. East wins with the Ace and returns a ♠. You ruff and play the ♦2 immediately. West, a good…