Funbridge Blog

Our ambassador Nikolas Bausback

Meet bridge champion and ambassador Nikolas Bausback and challenge him is his next Funbridge Points tournament. ID Card Nationality: German Married to: Anja Alberti Hobbies: Geocaching, golf, photography Next Nikolas Bausback’s tournament…

Two-spice recipe

Two Spice Recipe

Technique, psychology and imagination are the main ingredients of a successful bridge recipe. Two spices perfume these tasty morsels. To be savoured without moderation.
Tom Drijver-NEW

Our ambassador: Tom Drijver

Discover the portrait of Tom Drijver, the high-level bridge player, and challenge him at his upcoming Points Funbridge tournament. Click here to read the Dutch version ID Card Nickname: He and his…


Deauville: the renaissance

A week after the one in Biarritz, the Deauville festival opened its doors, directed masterfully by Alain Bekerman, who spends the whole year making this tournament a choice event. His objective is…

Hello August

Your August exclusive newsletter!

Laissez-vous envoûter par la magie de l'été, votre Newsletter Exclusive d'août est arrivée ! Détendez-vous et découvrez tranquillement, au soleil, notre sélection de contenus réservée aux abonnés Premium et Premium+ dont vous faites actuellement partie.