Funbridge Blog

A suicide endplay

You have probably heard of a Suicide Squeeze. Playing in a notrump contract, the idea is to break the defensive communications by giving a defender the lead with a choice of only…


Find the mistake

In this article, East-West managed to reach the right contract. One or the orther (or both) has, however, commited bidding errors along the way. Your task is to find these errors. You…


Masterclass: When to Draw Trump

Here is a new Masterclass that is available throughout January just for you! In December there were almost 5,986 participants. How about setting a new participation record? 😉 And this Masterclass is…


Technical help

When the opponents bid their final contract directly, without giving any useful indications, finding the opening lead becomes more difficult. But when they show off their technique and “explain” their hands to…
