Funbridge Blog
Can’t See the Forest for the Trees
Some hands are annoyingly simple, once you have seen the solution. On this deal from the Funbridge Team Game, there are no endplays, no complex squeezes and not even any tricky suit…
Champions’ Cup Dubrovnik 2023: Bridge, Sea and Gold
The 21st edition of the Champions’ Cup and the 1st edition of the Women Champions’ Cup (organised by the EBL) took place in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from Thursday 9 November 2023 to Saturday…
Konstantin Mineev wins the Bridge Clash!
We have a champion! After 11 days of intense competition, it was the German Konstantin Mineev who triumphed at the Bridge Clash, the latest knockout tournament on Funbridge! In this article, discover…
Exploring Madeira – News of 20 November
The Madeira Bridge Festival celebrated its 26th anniversary this year, achieving a new attendance record. What makes this festival so popular with players of every age and ability? The Magic of Madeira…
A Test for Opponents
Who said that only great champions can write bridge articles? Funbridge launched a brand-new format of article a few months ago. You, talented players, will be our bridge authors and give your expert…
A conventional and forcing 2NT after a major suit transfer
In this article, we take a look at the forcing and conventional 2NT after a major-suit transfer over 1NT. One of the situations: 1. Reminders of the classic system and its drawbacks…
Analysis by The Professor – November 2023
There were 1,256 participants in the monthly Funbridge tournament by The Professor in November. You made it a success. I hope that many of you will attend the next event in December.…
Sitting in South, what do you bid in response to your partner’s double?
Sitting in South, what do you bid in response to your partner’s double? See solutions Tom Drijver’s best bids This bid shows both majors and indicates a plan to bid RKC (Roman…
Bridge problem: The mistake that cost 9,500 euros
Your hand sitting South Bidding Dealer East. East-West vulnerable. Card play Lead: ♦5. The 2♦ bid guarantees a fit in ♠. In the Cavendish Ladies pairs, the Russian declarer was the only…